I can't believe that it's been over a week and I apologize for not posting this sooner...I've had one crazy week and getting some good computer time to do updates and such just weren't in the cards for me! But despite my lateness, I still want to post some great things I took away from my time in Denver at the HOW Design Conference. Even though conference didn't officially start for me until Sunday morning, June 6th, I made plans with a bunch of designer friends to meet up for dinner on Saturday night, June 5th at Wynkoop Brewery in downtown Denver. It was kind of crazy because I was riding with Kelly Parke from Parke Creative (she was staying with me at my sister's for the week) and the time on her clock was off and I was thinking we had plenty of time and were going to be there early. So I get this call from Cortney Christensen saying that he was already there waiting and I thought, "Wow- that guy's early!" When I mentioned it to Kelly, she laughed and informed me her clock was off and that was when I realized we were going to be there just-in-the-nick-of-time! Go figure...leave it to me to be fashionably late, right? But it was all good. We got there and found a nice gathering of old and new friends combined. Despite the place being rather warm and muggy (apparently they didn't believe it was hot enough there for air conditioning) it was still a really nice venue and their wait staff was top-notch and super accommodating. And for those who know me, I am not a beer drinking gal. I mentioned this to the waiter and decided to try a draft- he suggested one to me and it really wasn't all that bad. It was beer but it was probably one of the best tasting beers I've ever had. I just wish I could remember what it was called. Huh.
But anyhow- we had a lot of fun conversing about design. There were a few people who came to the dinner that weren't there for the HOW Design Conference but were there for the Creative Freelancer Conference, which is put on by the same people. So it was interesting to hear about what was going on with those sessions and such, too. Business cards were exchanged, the newest HOWiezine (HZ14) was passed around for everyone to see. It really was a great night and I am so very glad that so many people were able to make it!
All photos courtesy of Missy Bergen. She Rocks!
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